Student leadership at Whittlesea Primary School comes in many forms and is open to students in different year levels. Student leadership is not only about formal ‘leadership’ programs, but rather students can be leaders in the classroom and, through actions in the school grounds. They can show leadership through supporting and encouraging others, and involvement in academic, sporting, or local community or not-for-profit events.
Whittlesea Primary School has four School captains. Some of the roles and responsibilities of the captains include facilitating whole school assemblies, presenting awards, and representing the school at community events, such as the ANZAC Day commemorations.
The Year 6 students may also be elected School House captains. These students are responsible for assisting with school events and activities, such as twilight sports events and tournaments. They also perform leadership roles such as attending to the school flag and operating the sports borrowing system to encourage and promote active play at breaks.
Any student from each class in Foundation to Year 6 can be elected to be part of the Student Voice Team (SVT). Each class elects one student to be their SVT representative at the start of each year. The SVT also comprises two SVT Captains, also Year 6 students, who lead the SVT and chairs the meetings.
SVT representatives are encouraged to represent their classes by bringing ideas forward to meetings and relaying information back to their peers through class meetings.
The SVT can support the organisation of whole school events and raise the profile of student voice and agency within the wider school community. These students meet regularly to organise various fundraising events and are encouraged to embrace volunteering opportunities and projects within the local community.