Whittlesea Primary School offers a variety of excursions, incursions, and age-appropriate camping experiences for all students. These help to further enrich the learning opportunities across Foundation to Year 6. These experiences are designed to improve the learning, engagement, and wellbeing outcomes for every child.
Excursions are structured learning experiences organised and managed by the school and complement learning across all areas of the curriculum. Excursions take place in all year levels, with many having links to the inquiry curriculum and through lines into Literacy, Numeracy, and the wellbeing curricula. At Whittlesea Primary School, our teachers plan excursions to reinforce and extend learning opportunities beyond the classroom. This allows the students to develop an understanding that learning is not limited to the school context, and that valuable and powerful learning takes place in the real world. Parent volunteers may be requested to attend to support with supervision.
Local ExcursionsAs part of our school enrolment process, families complete the Local Excursion Permission Form, which allows students to attend supervised excursions within walking distance of the school. Local excursions to the Whittlesea community include visiting local businesses and facilities, such as the Whittlesea Library, Whittlesea Swimming Pool, Whittlesea Courthouse, and local parklands or wetlands, to access experts and resources that are not available in the school. Parent volunteers may be requested to attend to support with supervision.
IncursionsAn incursion is facilitated by an external provider, who comes into the school and presents a learning experience, performance, or a service for students. Each year, regular presenters include Mini Beasts for Foundation students, Professor Bunsen in Years 3-6, and Backflips Against Bullying for F-6.
Camps are extended excursions that involve overnight stays/accommodation. Whittlesea Primary School offers camps at both Years 3 & 4 and Years 5 & 6. Parent volunteers may be requested to attend to support with supervision.
All information about camps, excursions, and incursions, including consent forms and payments, is communicated via the Compass portal. In addition to consent and payment for camps, families will receive detailed student medical forms to complete, clothing lists, and an itinerary before the camp.
For all camps and excursions, Whittlesea Primary School follows the Department’s School Policy and Advisory Guide at Excursions and Activities.